
Do., 01.01.1970 | Bielefeld

DFG Delegation Trip Follow-Up „Health Care and Social Medicine throughout the Life Course“

Guests: Prof. Naoko Muramatsu, PhD; Prof. Fanta Waterman, PhD; Prof. Alfreda Holloway-Beth, PhD; Prof. Michele McCay, DrPH | Hosts: Prof. Dr. Vivian Carstensen, Bielefeld School of Business and CareTech OWL, Project “TransCareTech TCT“
Eine horizontaler Balken mit der Aufschrift BEENDET

This workshop brings together researchers from the University of Illinois at Chicago and HSBI on topics including community health development, healthy aging, social work practice in health, labor shortage. Social disparities in the access to social services systems are a major societal challenge at the local level and beyond, thereby impeding health literacy attainment and health outcomes among vulnerable groups. Moreover, integrated strategies for promoting health at key stages of life are still underdeveloped. The purpose of this workshop is to initiate joint research and collaboration between UIC and HSBI by matching members from both universities on specific project topics.

Delegation from the UIC College of Applied Health Sciences | University of Illinois at Chicago,

Target group: Wissenschaftler*innen aus dem Bereich der Gesundheits- und Sozialwissenschaften/ Scientists from the fields of health and social sciences

Auf einen Blick
DFG Delegation Trip Follow-Up „Health Care and Social Medicine throughout the Life Course“
Research Event
Hochschule Bielefeld, main building, C 322
Interaktion 1, 33619 Bielefeld, Germany
International Week 2024